How to Attract and Ensure You Don’t Repel Customers on Facebook

How to Attract and Ensure You Don’t Repel Customers on Facebook

Providing the right content and customer service for potential customers on Facebook is a key part in mastering social media marketing for your company. Take note of these simple tips in order to do just that!

  • Never flood your audience with ads for your products and/or services, always abide by the 3:1 ratio rule of ‘Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook’. This would mean that the majority of posts would be social and appealing to a great number of people, but still related to the company; an example could be articles that share similarities with your business. Only a handful of direct promotions should be posted so that visitors feel engaged and not harassed.
  • Keep your posts short and snappy – nobody wants to spend lengthy amounts of their free time reading about every single detail of a company they might not even have any interest in. The purpose of companies posting on Facebook is to attract people and build their customer base, and it’s best to do this by keeping things simple and intriguing.
  • Respond quickly to any queries and inquiries from customers, taking around an hour (and certainly less than a day) to reply to customers can really make a difference when it comes to overall satisfaction with your brand. People like to feel that they would have a secure and reliable form of contact to resolve and issues they might ever come across involving your products.
  • Ignoring negative comments is essentially a sin when it comes to managing your company’s Facebook page. A public, polite acknowledgement should be posted for each piece of feedback to display that your business provides a quality customer service and cares about the happiness of their purchasers, but all resolutions should be made through private messages to keep the problems private, for the sake of the customer and the company.

Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to achieving success on your social media profiles!