11 Life Changing Books
We asked our Twitter followers to recommend a book, something life-changing. This is what they came up with.
The E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber
Thanks to Steffi Lewis for this recommendation. The E in E-Myth stands for Entrepreneur and the book’s message is that small businesses are often not run by entrepreneurs, but by people who like doing their job and impulsively decide to set up their own business in a moment of ‘entrepreneurial seizure’.
The truth being that many small business owners are not equipped for the demands of running their own business.
The Search for the Dice Man, Luke Rhinehart
Thanks to Living the Dream for this recommendation.
The Search for the Diceman is the sequel of Rhinehart’s 1971 classic The Dice Man, a story about a man’s choice to live anarchically by the roll of the dice.
The 1993 sequel follows the son of the Dice Man, who is by contrast a man who lives by order, until the reappearance of his estranged father.
The Hare with the Amber Eyes, Edmund De Waal & Kul Mahay
Thanks to Eagle Estate Planning for 2 recommendations.
The Hare with the Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance is the autobiographical story tracing the history of 264 tiny Japanese netsuke carvings, which the author inherited from an uncle.
Kul Mahay is a life coach. We confess to not knowing a great deal about him, other than he is working on a book due to be published this year.
Zapp!, William C. Byham
Thanks to Ian Clayton for his recommendation.
The link points at Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment: How to Improve Quality, Productivity, and Employee Satisfaction, a management training book about how to empower your workforce to create revitalisation within your organisation.
The Secret, Rhonda Byrne
Thanks for Jennie James for her recommendation.
We didn’t think it would be long before The Secret was mentioned, and Jennie wasn’t alone in recommending it.
The Secret is a book about harnessing the power of attraction; be grateful for the things you have and think positive thoughts about your life and positive things will be attracted to you.
The Art of being Brilliant, Andy Cope
Thanks to The Fat Controller for her receommendation.
Andy Cope is a ‘happiness expert’, delivering workshops and training programs to help you feel better about yourself and live a life of brilliance.
Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts
Thanks to UK Bump Keys Ltd for this recommendation.
Shantaram is the true story of an escaped convict who flees to Bombay and has a right old adventure doing so. Echoes of Howard Marks, but with more of criminal underbelly.
Thrive, Arianna Huffington & The Social Animal, David Brooks
Thank you to The HampsteadKitchen for these 2 recommendations.
In Thrive, Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief for the Huffington Post, redefines what it means to be successful.
The Social Animal by David Brooks is a life book disguised as a novel and tells the story of how 2 people became successful.
The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield
This is my own contribution. I read the Celestine Prophecy while travelling across Canada when I was 21. It’s a story about 1 man’s spiritual journey to transcend into energy. Sound daft and mystic? It probably is, but reading it changed the course of my future.