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Eating your pudding before your main will fill you up and you won't have room for your dinner, you'll miss out on the nutritious part of your meal and it will go to waste. But wait, that's just stuff your mum worried about when you were a kid, right? Go ahead, eat your dessert first, who cares. If anything it will only stimulate your tastebuds and get your saliva flowing in preparation for your main. That's right, you heard it here first, dessert is the perfect appetiser, just the thing to whet the appetite before the satisfaction of the main course.

We asked our Twitter followers to recommend a book, something life-changing. This is what they came up with. The E-Myth Revisited, Michael GerberThanks to Steffi Lewis for this recommendation. The E in E-Myth stands for Entrepreneur and the book's message is that small businesses are often not run by entrepreneurs, but by people who like

Let's get straight to the point: what do you want your blog posts to do? I'll tell you what I want mine to do, win traffic and engage the reader. This puts the reader into my funnel as a potential new customer. I consider it the job of my blog and social media to fill the funnel from the top. Therefore, it's important to know if the process is working. How can I find out if my blog posts are delivering traffic and engaging my readers? Here's 9 tools I use:

Photo courtesy of yourppl.comAsk anyone what the meaning of life is, and you'll be sure to get a different answer every time. Few questions are liable to raise such vastly different points of view. In fact, it's so subjective a topic, that it might seem impossible to ever answer definitively - unless, of course, you're Douglas Adams, in which case the answer is fairly obvious: '42'. Or if you're a

When it comes to Google, it's all about change. They changed the way we source information online; changed the way we consume content; and - on a regular basis - they change the results we find when searching.

When you perform a Google search for, say, cheap Ford KAs, you're presented with relevant, quality search results. That's the very least you'd expect - and if the search engine behemoth started throwing up results for cheap T-shirts or cheap iPhones or anything that wasn't what you were searching for, you'd go looking for a search engine that did what it was supposed to.

These changes, Google algorithms, are a regular thing, and unless you're immersed in SEO practices, you're unlikely to even be aware of the updates. But these changes, which are great for consumers, present an issue for affiliate marketers.